5.1 Editor's Pick
August 2, 2023

Waylon with Marianne Williamson: Serving our World vs. Selfish Spirituality.


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“No amount of personal transformation will deal with the fact that the planet is becoming uninhabitable if we don’t stop fossil fuel extraction. You can drink all the green juice in the world, but they’re poisoning the water and the air and the food.

You can do all these things and transform yourself. But the zeitgeist of this moment isn’t just about yourself. A lot of higher consciousness work had circled around into a kind of atomized narcissistic ‘it’s all about me, it’s all about me.’ The transformation of the planet isn’t all about you. The transformation of the planet is about us.”

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Marianne Williamson talks with Elephant’s Waylon Lewis of Walk the Talk Show about why she’s running for President as a Democrat in 2024..! She’s a best-selling author, political activist, spiritual thought-leader, and, yes, a presidential candidate. They debate, agree, discuss, all respectfully and with honesty and passion.

Marianne on running for President:

“If I wanted to just add to the conversation, I’d write a book and not take all the stuff that you get when you run for office. It’s a moment for us. We need to get serious here and actually create political power.” ~ Marianne Williamson

Listen as she and Waylon agree (and disagree) about the path forward in politics in the United States, the role of active citizens, and the need for us to avoid the “iceberg.”

Marianne is a longtime friend of Elephant. Check out her last interview on Walk the Talk Show, here.

They speak (and argue, respectfully) about green energy policies by the current Administration. You can find a credible resource to summarize them here: “…compromise is not corruption.”

The conversation: 

Waylon spoke about his longtime personal connection to Marianne. Read more about it and read the full quote: Quote of the Day: Our Deepest Fear.

Or, listen to the conversation on our Podcast:

“Marianne, you wrote all these bestselling spiritual advice books, but you clearly have a heartfelt love or passion for democracy. It can’t necessarily always be easy or fun to run for political office. What is your connection to or love for public service?” ~ Waylon Lewis 

“I came to understand [that] as dedicated as I am in my own life, and professionally, to the issues of personal transformation with a 40-year career, that no amount of personal transformation will deal with the fact that the planet is becoming uninhabitable if we don’t stop fossil fuel extraction. You can drink all the green juice in the world, but they’re poisoning the water and the air and the food.

You can do all these things and transform yourself. But the zeitgeist of this moment isn’t just about yourself. A lot of higher consciousness work had circled around into a kind of atomized narcissistic ‘it’s all about me, it’s all about me.’ The transformation of the planet isn’t all about you. The transformation of the planet is about us.

So when I look at someone like a Martin Luther King or a Gandhi, they spoke to both the internal and external aspects of global change. Martin Luther King said that in order to establish the beloved community, we must have quantitative changes in our circumstances as well as qualitative changes in our souls.

But those qualitative changes in our souls don’t just mean trying to heal my own issues. Qualitative changes in my own soul also means facing my complacency, facing my using spiritual principle as a justification for not addressing the suffering of other sentient beings around me. There is no justification for ignoring the suffering of other sentient beings. And if you go deep enough into the spiritual core of any of the great religious or spiritual traditions, you will find none of that. You will not find a justification for ignoring the fact that people on the other side of town are suffering.

And in some cases, in fact, in most cases, it’s not as simple as, well, they just haven’t awakened spiritually.”
~ Marianne Williamson


Marianne is on Instagram; follow here. Check out her website as well for news and upcoming events, as well as campaign information.

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Walk the Talk Show episode:



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