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August 17, 2023

_Dream 1

Dreamt, yet again, the scenario of spending time with a person I only knew through social media, a tad odd, as we rarely spoke. I’d been watching her play one of the Silent Hills, but I couldn’t specify which one, exactly. It was clearly day time for the entire duration but despite this, I found myself awakening in her room at some point or another (false awakening) solidifying the fact that I had slept over.

I should note, that it all was purely platonic in nature, and I remember quite vividly, that, I was quite happy to have been allowed the simple fortune of speaking with her in person.

Throughout the dream we exchanged a large sum of words; primarily how the first Silent Hill was just a really creative, thoroughly haunting, immersive metaphorical approach to the subject of grief.

I am unable to recall how it ended, or even how it all began.

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