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September 28, 2023

I AM A VIRGIN | Dedicated to All the Women Living in a Body of Fear

This is for you, this is for us. This is personal. It is our truth. It is our expression. It is our healing. It is now a safe space to exist as truth. For now we allow the body to be a space of love. Fear no longer resides in this space.

They tell me “You lost your virginity!”. They tell me “You broke your virginity”. I say to them “No I didn’t!”. I expanded. There is no loss in Divine experience. The life force of creation energy that resides within is infinite. The feminine pleasures run deeper than loss. Gifted at birth by Divine, the power to create a new life. I have ascended to the realms of the unknown. Transcended physicality. Witnessed divinity.

I gave nothing away. Nothing was taken from me. Today I opened it. I did not break it. Today I experienced it. I did not give anything away. It was mine since birth. Allow me to celebrate. Joyful I am. To say I gave away my virginity is to imply I lost apart of me. For I see no truth in that.

I was gifted to create. I was gifted to give birth. I was gifted the infinite flow of pleasures to experience an ecstatic feeling that transcends the body. The power of creating the ultimate gift. I opened a Divine door, the key to miracles. I opened a new world, the world of pleasures.

A celebration to the most sacred gift, my window to being a creator. Allow me to honour it. How can one not? Why would I shame it?

I will say it again to my mind. I did not lose my virginity. I expanded my divinity. I did not break my virginity. I witnessed my divinity. I opened the door of creation, the door of life. Why would you beautify being untouched, yet vilify Divine gifts handed to you at birth.

What is there to glamorize in an unopened Divine gift. We idealise a virgin, not knowing in that we vilify the non-virgin. Divine gifts are to be freely celebrated, unapologetically explored, infinitely nurtured and sacredly nourished. House no shame, guilt or fear.

If one wishes not to glamorize it, then allow us not to vilify it in our minds and fear it in our body. Allow us space to speak of this experience with a vibration of neutrality, a vibration of love. Let us share our sacred experience as a Divine encounter.

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