December 25, 2023

The Divine Synchronicity & Meaning of The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26.

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


Everything is happening for you—not to you.

“Synchronicity happens when you align with the flow of the universe rather than insisting the universe flows your way.” ~ C. Hertz 

The Full Moon in Cancer will rise on December 26, bringing an end and a new beginning to 2023, the year of healing. The year of finally seeing clearly that which is meant for you and no longer letting fear create your perception of what is possible. Because to genuinely be able to become who you are meant to be and live a life aligned to your soul’s purpose, you have been guided through the last 12 months to see and to heal the wounds that have been preventing just that.

Cancer is the zodiac sign which the Moon is at home in. It’s comfortable here as it directs its energy toward nurturing, love, and enjoying the priceless value of connections over things. But it can also bring emotions to a head, and as the last Full Moon of 2023 this can be amplified. In divine synchronicity, 2023 began and ends with a Cancer Full Moon, helping to not only bring emphasis to a year of healing, but also to direct your focus toward the home you create within yourself.

The zodiac sign of Cancer is known for representing home and family, but it often points to the need to create a home within yourself before you can address the one you live in or the family you build. To create a home within yourself involves love, self-worth, and respect, but it also carries with it the need to know authentically who you are and what you need.

In so many ways it seems it can be easier to choose a place to live than it can be to build and adorn the home within yourself. It’s more attractive, fun even, to decide whether you’re looking for modern or something more vintage. Whether you want to live in the city or prefer the rustic life beneath a canopy of trees. But truly, in order to know where you should live, or even the kind of life that surrounds you, you first need to create that home within. Because as with everything in life, whatever you create outside of yourself will only ever mirror the work, time, and attention you’ve put into yourself.

Not only are you ending the year very much in the way that you began it, but there is also an ongoing Mercury retrograde that is bringing up a great deal about how you have seized the dreams for your life and whether you’ve actually put the work in to manifest them. Sometimes this brings realizations of paths chosen, and perhaps those that were not, but it is a starting point, not a life sentence, because the most beautiful thing about the universe is that it is always encouraging you to seize what is meant for you.

But to know what is meant for you, you also must know who you are. And this is where Pluto in Capricorn has been diligently chipping away all that isn’t so that you can free yourself from what actually never fit. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, ruler of the majestic Phoenix, as you are encouraged to see that truth is the greatest tool of transformation. Not just your own divine truth, but that of your soul and how you wield that in your life goes into what you can manifest or achieve.

And so, the two meet, like star-crossed lovers, as you realize to create a home within yourself is to embrace and honor your inner truth, and this is the beginning and the end of a journey that you likely never even intended to be on. It’s understanding that you haven’t made mistakes, wasted, or even lost time. It’s realizing that it’s all too common for your wounds to try to make something right, instead of realizing that what is meant for you will never ask you to struggle for it.

The Cancer Full Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn, bringing a moment of fruition to a life phase that began in 2008. Reflect back to this era in your life, what it represented, what truths you were still subscribing to, and perhaps even who you were still trying to be. Because as the light of this Full Moon reaches your heart, you’ll finally see that what you’ve been seeking was within yourself the whole time.

Whether you’ve been on a journey of forgiveness, expansion, learning, love, or healing, you are being asked by the universe to finally see. To see the connections between your choices, outcomes, and the divine synchronicity that has never given up hope on you—even if at times you have.

This lunation isn’t just a beautiful full moon that may bring greater love and connection to family celebrations; it’s truly the moment you’ve been traveling toward since 2008. It’s finally reaching the space of realizing how much you needed to dismantle to be able to not just see your truth, but to finally begin creating a home within yourself. The space of love, divine knowing, confidence, and value that lets you trust everything is always happening for your greater good.

When you can change your perspective, your lens of perception on the world, then it’s the world that also changes. Redirections and changes are not things going wrong, whether it looks like moments of heartbreak or loss, but instead, the stars aligning to help you grow more deeply so that you can live and love more fully. There is gratitude to be held within realizing that everything that has happened has been leading you to this moment so that you might finally see what was there all along. And in its beautiful shining radiance, you realize that the home within yourself isn’t just the most valuable place you can ever reside, but that it also determines everything else you create within your life.


You might like this one too: Cancer Full Moon & Last Full Moon of 2023: Letting the Heart Guide us Home. {December 26}


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