November 2, 2008

McCain nails SNL appearance, helping to counter Obama’s top-rated (watched more than last game of World Series) TV special. Also: Affleck nails Olbermann & The View.

Though the jokes were full of misperceptions—that Senator McCain doesn’t have money, though his bank account plus the Republican Party’s account is $20 million bigger than Obama’s plus the Democrats’ coffers—McCain put in an able appearance with SNL’s Tina Fey and, later, the Weekend Update, on SNL last night.

It was a hugely important appearance for Mr. McCain, given that 75% of our country’s active citizens will vote in a couple days, and NBC’s SNL hits a vast cross section of America. So where’s Senator Obama, don’t he get want SNL love? 

Included below: Affleck does Olbermann & The View, SNL gives a sycophantic interview to a relaxed Cindy and John after the show.


Affleck nails the obnoxious, bloviating Olbermann (with friends like these…):

The View:


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