April 11, 2024

2 Questions to help us Navigate Relationship Unknowns.

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Relationships and questions seem to go hand in hand.

While it can be exciting to open our hearts and our lives to another person, it’s also full of unknowns. And unknowns are scary, so we search out ways of knowing whether we’ve made the right decision.

We want a sign, preferably from those who have been in the trenches and have some wisdom to share, that our concerns and fears and doubts are valid. That we aren’t crazy for overthinking things. That we chose the right person. That this relationship will be different. That this relationship will be the one that lasts.

Here at Elephant Journal, we’ve published hundreds of articles full of questions to help others (and honestly, ourselves) navigate the relationship unknowns.

>> Is He or She “The One?” Ask these 2 Questions.

>> One Question that Rocked my World—& Saved my Relationship.

>> Ask your Partner these 16 Questions & watch your Relationship Transform.

>> “Am I Settling?”—the Wrong Question to ask when we’re Questioning our Relationship.

>> The Relationship Questions we Owe it to Ourself (& our Partner) to Ask.

>> A Simple Question can help you Know whether your Relationship will Last.

>> 11 Questions from a Couples Therapist for when our Relationship is at a Crossroad.

Depending on where we are in our relationship journey, these questions (or a million others) can be exactly what we need in a particular moment. But after years of dating, and a few more years honing my long-term relationship skills, I’ve found that the answer to so many of our issues, fears, concerns, or doubts can be boiled down to two questions.

When we’re struggling with fear and doubt or feel uneasy about the unknowns in our relationship, ask yourself:

Do I want to make it work with this person?

Does this person want to make it work with me?

Are these the only two questions we should ask? Of course not. But so much of how we show up in relationships is based on choice.

And when we truly want something to work—and know the other person wants to make it work as well—then we can start putting our energy not into the endless list of questions that float around our heads and hearts, but into the answers that can help us achieve the kinds of relationships we’ve been searching for.


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author: Nicole Cameron

Image: Yan Miranda/Pexels

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