May 9, 2024

Ageing out of a Bikini? Haters gonna Hate.


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It’s no secret that we live in an ageist society, especially when it comes to women. Always someone who is quick to judge. Quick to offer their unsolicited opinion. Quick to project their closed minded insecurities, over anyone who will listen. Quick to show their inner hate outwardly.

Does it really matter what a woman chooses to wear to the beach? Apparently it does.

This week, I have read two separate articles berating women for wearing a bikini over a certain age. One was Demi Moore who is in her early 60s and the other is Paulina Porizkova who is in her late 50s. Quite frankly, both women absolutely rocked their bikinis. Not that it particularly matters what some media outlet or random on social media thinks because, let’s be honest, anyone who thinks it’s okay or necessary to spout their nasty words, clearly has some issues of their own. What matters is how the wearer of the bikini feels. What someone chooses to put on their body is nobody else’s business.

Whilst I was pleased to see many supportive comments, I was disappointed to see the usual hateful comments.

>> “Desperate Grandma”

>> “Attention Seeker”

>> “What’s wrong with dressing your age”

>> “Cover Up”

>> “Trying to stay relevant”

So because these women are over a certain age, they can’t wear what others wear at the beach? They should cover up because some stranger tells them to? Attention seeking for minding their own business at the beach and being snapped by paparazzi to sell to gossip magazines? Trying to stay relevant by living their life and enjoying themselves? Desperate Grandma…sounds like someone is a little jealous with this comment.

My favourite is dressing your age. I didn’t realise that it was compulsory to transition to certain clothing as we get older. That a woman who has gracefully earned her wisdom and been fortunate enough to live into these decades lost her right to choose how she lives and how she wishes to dress. That we suddenly need to conform to some archaic beliefs on a dress code that has no relevance in 2024.

We can all have opinions, and we can all make choices. Your opinion and choice does not need to be the same as mine. Your opinion has little bearing on how another chooses to live and dress. You can choose to wear whatever you want. I don’t have to like it, but I also won’t comment because it doesn’t affect me at all. Why do you care if someone over 50 is wearing a bikini?

I love that we have evolved. Or at least many of us have. That how our mums, grandmothers, and great grandmothers lived and dressed was a sign of those times and we have more choices and freedom now. As women in 2024, we get to stand in our own power, and that means we have choice. Choice to cover up. Choice to avoid the beach. Choice to wear a bikini.

Throughout Europe, bikinis are the popular choice. Worn by young. Old. Slim. Curvy. Nobody blinks an eye. There’s also far less judgement. It would seem people are far less critical and far more concerned about their own lives and happiness. Isn’t this how it should be? I’d go a step further and say the Europeans are more secure in themselves, relaxed, and have a love of life whereas, perhaps, other parts of the world are uptight, largely insecure, and focus on things that don’t actually bring them joy. Miserable people will always project their misery onto others. Trying to bring someone else down to make yourself feel better is a pretty sad insight into you as a person.

So, can we actually age out of a bikini? I don’t think so. But I’m open-minded and believe everyone gets to choose how they live and what they wear. I believe how the person feels is far more important than some random person’s opinion. I believe that my right to wear a bikini does not impact you in the slightest. I believe that if you have a problem with an older woman wearing a bikini that you should look inside yourself and start questioning why. And if you feel the need to negatively comment about what someone else chooses to wear, ask yourself why you’re so unhappy that you need to tear someone else down.

Many people aren’t blessed with getting older. They die young and never get the opportunity to age. Life is a gift. Getting older is a gift. There’s a grace, a beauty, and wisdom that come with the increasing years. There’s also the benefit of giving no f*cks what the unhappy and bitter people have to say about your choices. I personally just think it would be a far more pleasant world if people kept their sh*tty comments to themselves.

Whilst Demi and Paulina are living their best lives, in their bikinis, the miserable people are calling themselves out all over social media in some sad attempt to get attention and make themselves feel the tiniest bit better. Haters gonna hate. Haters always gonna hate.

To all the haters. Stay inside. Don’t look. Try to not let your hate eat you alive.

To all the older bikini lovers, wear your bikini with pride. Wear your age with pride. Wear your no f*cks with pride. Wear your feminine power with pride.

Life is too short…wear that bikini.


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