September 28, 2012

An Open Letter to Mitt Romney. ~ Tracy Johnson

Source: bing.com via MaryAnn on Pinterest


Thank you for your honesty.

Dear Mr. Romney,

There is someone I would like you to meet. My grandfather Ted is, in my humble opinion, the perfect example of a patriotic American. He lived a modest life. My grandparents worked hard to raise six children. He served in World War II with his twin brother. Both of his sons served in Vietnam. He is a devout Catholic and even with advanced dementia and memory loss, he never forgets to go to mass on Sunday and still loves to sings hymns—loudly and proudly. He is a good, honest, hard-working man and I love him with all of my heart.

Now in his 80s, he is in an assisted living facility. My grandfather was an insurance salesman and while he never earned a fortune, he saved and prepared for retirement and helped many others do the same. Unforeseen medical circumstances forced him and my grandmother into full time care which, combined with the high cost of medical care, quickly drained them of the life savings that they had worked, saved and sacrificed to build. Now, he is one of the 47 percent of American that “pay no income tax,” “are dependent upon government” and “believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

My grandfather collects the Social Security and Medicare benefits that he spent his whole working career paying into so that it would be there when he needed it, as he does now. I am aware that there are those who abuse the system. There are those who refuse to work—some take advantage of the welfare system. Others take advantage of legal “grey zones” to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

I wonder if you have any real interest in fixing a broken system if that also means eliminating the loopholes you have taken advantage of yourself?

First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for your honesty. You have defended your statements by saying they were “off the cuff” and “not elegantly stated.” What happens when you speak your mind freely without the benefit of speech writers and advisors, is that you speak your truth and it comes straight from the heart. You have shown the American public who you truly are as a person and the type of leader you would be, without the benefit of costuming and posturing provided by a good publicist.

And in conclusion I’d like to say, “F*ck you, Mr. Romney.”

F*ck you,

Tracy Johnson


Tracy Johnson has been exploring movement in its many forms since she began dancing at age 15. Her career as a dancer and choreographer led her to the study of Martial Arts, Massage Therapy and finally Yoga. As a Yoga Instructor she combines an understanding of anatomy and kinesiology with creative Vinyasa sequences rooted in the Ashtanga style and influenced by her many wonderful teachers. Tracy teaches yoga to kids and grown-ups in Western WI. She is the creator of Little Lotus Kids Yoga Cards and teacher training program www.littlelotuskidsyoga.com. She blogs about yoga, life and love at www.yogainthevalley.blogspot.com.


Editor: Maja Despot


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