July 30, 2024

I am Home in the Landscape Under my Skin.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

With deep curiosity, I breathe to sense what is behind my closed eyes.

With the clarity of my inner eyes, the windows to my soul are awakened.

Permission to go inward and explore my inner home has been granted.

The pearly gates of my consciousness widen, a flourishing of sensual opening.

I see myself from the inside, under the skin that protects my inner existence.

Within the walls of my given body lie familiar places and mysterious spaces that are yet to be revealed.

My breath is the vehicle to access the landscape under my skin.

The various energies and vibrational fields,

with their distinct colors and familiarity, become more apparent.


All shades of grey consume my inner city.

Looking upwards, craning my neck to view the point of the tall skyscrapers,

they appear to all be developed of steel-casing, which is spotlessly reflective in the sunshine.

The city is busy with an abundance of thoughts and ideas, worries and fears.

It’s dialectically descriptive: clean and dirty; social and isolating; angry hearts and forgiving souls;

giving and taking with offerings and receivings; friends and foes hand-in-hand.


Walking slowly away from the bustling of the cityscape, I come across more rural areas,

all underdeveloped with the limited knowledge and poor insights that hold the town back from thriving.

Rocking chairs move rhythmically on wrap-around porches.

Paint chipping at the white wooden posts, all surrounded by chain-linked fencing.

Ripped screens on the front doors expose the pain of the limited reality,

and the doorways coming off their poorly screwed hinges.


Moving cautiously around the dark curves and crescents of my unpaved pathways,

moving away from the rural outskirts, I reach fields of golden wheat grains and green stalks of corn reaching skyward.

Inside of the protective husks, piece by piece the kernels connect to their cob, the core of their safety.

Moving deeper into the farmland, I joyfully skip through the fields of vibrant yellow sunflowers,

the energy from the sunshine illuminating my soul. I marvel at the beauty and the grace within each petal,

grateful for each one’s existence within my being.


I turn my attention to the distance, seeing a strong and sturdy mountain

rise above the valleys that lie beneath the peaks of white, snowy tops.

I swear I see the heavens above the mountain, as it pierces the blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

Around the mountain’s base, rivers cut through the landscape.

In the rushing flow of currents, water moves with gravity and with the breeze’s movement of air.

On the other side of the mountains, silence is still within a clear, peaceful lake.

I peer into the wet liquid, seeing the outer reflection of the universe, and the inner depth at the bottom.

Tiny grains of sand and pebbles protect the deeper layers of the inner Mother Earth.


I connect with my breath and feel a warm, white sand beach, smelling of salty air and

feeling the moon’s feminine presence under the starlit sky.

The gentle breeze blowing lifeforce prana into my being.

The ocean waves crash ashore with little white bubbles foaming at the surface,

before drawing back out to sea.

This ebb and flow speaks to the flow in and out of my breath.

Inhales and exhales, deeper and deeper.

The tide pulls out, pause…waves break at the shoreline, pause…


Over and over. Again and again.


I am opening. I am softening. I am listening.

I am presencing. I am allowing. I am receiving.

I remember who I am.

I breathe.

Over and over. Again and again.

I am home in the landscape under my skin.


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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Joanna Barrett  |  Contribution: 2,150

author: Joanna Barrett

Image: Shuvalova Natalia/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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