November 10, 2008

Christian Science Monitor: a more partisan Palin returns to a poorer Alaska; convicted Senator Stevens promises pork, reelection victory in recount.

Goodbye (for now) to a woman who (nearly) made me ashamed of America. And good riddance to the lipsticked attack dog who proclaimed that Obama palled around with terrorists, who identified pro-America parts of the country, who didn’t know what the truly un-American Bush Doctrine was and who couldn’t name a single Supreme Court decision she supported or disagreed with other than Roe v Wade, which she’d overturn, who faced down two ethics charges and bought a sum total of $250,000 of clothes, travel and makeup for herself and her family on the GOP credit card (as well as staffers’ credit cards!).

The woman who left with remarkable 80% approval ratings and a reputation for bipartisanship returns to a colder, poorer Alaska that just reelected (though it’s in a recount) the kind of corrupt man she claimed to conquer as a reforming maverick. How will she readapt?

Here’s an excerpt from the article, from the legendary journalists at CSM.


When she left Alaska in August to run as the Republican vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin was a much-loved governor with approval ratings near 90 percent; a record for pursuing centrist, bipartisan policies; and a reputation as a corruption-fighter.

Her home state was awash in money, thanks to record oil prices, and residents were set to get big checks in the form of dividends from the Alaska Permanent Fund and a state tax rebate. The economic future seemed secure, with Governor Palin advancing the case for a big, new, natural-gas pipeline.

What a difference a couple of months make.

Upon her return to Alaska Nov. 5, …Rest of article.

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