October 13, 2012

The Wonderer. {A Poem} ~ Ruth Calder Murphy

This is the Wonderer’s way,

the Wanderer’s way,

Courtesy of Author

the journey of a thousand questions,

each with a thousand more.

This is the Socrates’ way,

the way of undoing,

of stripping away.

This is the Solitude way,

the thunder of infinite questions

echoing silent in the eternal void.

This is the Discovery way,

the never-knowing,

always-asking way

that spins me in wild choreography

to the music of stars

and the rhythm of life.

This is the Dancing way,

the Living way,

the filled-with-wonder way.

This is the Come-to-the-End-and-Begin-Again way,

the way of death

and resurrection

every day.



Ruth Calder Murphy is a writer, artist, music teacher, wife and mother living in London, UK. Her life is wonderfully full of creativity and low-level chaos. She is the co-author of one published novel, The Scream and author of several books of poetry, one or two as-yet unpublished novels and lots of short stories.

She is passionate about celebrating the uniqueness and diversity of people, questioning the unquestionable and discovering new perspectives on old wonders. She is learning to ride the waves that come along—peaks and troughs—and is waking up to just how wonderful life really is.

Visit Ruth on her website here and on her Facebook page here.


Editor: Thaddeus Haas

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