October 16, 2012

This Life Is My Practice. {Video} ~ Sarah Richelle Starnes


Poem by Swami Satyananda Paramahamsa (1920 – 2010)


I am an invisible child of a thousand faces of love,

That floats over the swirling sea of life,

Surrounded by the meadows of the winged shepherds,

Where divine love and beauty,

The stillness of midnight summer’s warmth pervades.

Life often cuts at my body and mind

And though blood may be seen passing,

And a cry might be heard,

Do not be deceived that sorrow could dwell within my being

Or suffering within my soul.

There will never be a storm

That can wash the path from my feet,

The direction from my heart,

The light from my eyes,

Or the purpose from this life.

I know that I am untouchable to the forces

As long as I have a direction, an aim, a goal:

To serve, to love, and to give.

Strength lies in the magnification of the secret qualities

Of my own personality, my own character…


For the complete poem visit: This Life Is My Practice


The Heart Sutra:

Gate, Gate, Paragate, Para Sam Gate, Bodhi Svaha
Translation: Gone, Gone, Gone Beyond Gone Utterly Beyond

Music by Stephanie Starnes


Sarah Richelle Starnes has been studying the practices of yoga, health and spirituality her entire life. She owes much of her knowledge to her mother, Debbie, who raised her all naturally, and taught her many very valuable lessons about life and how to connect to Nature.

Sarah began teaching yoga in 1999 and has been leading Yoga Teacher Trainings since 2004. Her ever-evolving teaching style is playful and light hearted…yet intense, challenging, and deeply focused on healthy alignment and healing. Sarah loves to immerse her students in the healing vibrations of sound… performing kirtan, live music in yoga classes, gong sound healing workshops with her sister Stephanie and always singing to her students in Savasana. With a background primarily in Anusara, AcroYoga, Energy Healing & Native American studies, Sarah embodies an eclectic mix of Mindful Practice, Ritual, Play and Grace.


Stephanie Starnes lives her life as a yogi, dancer, singer, hoola hooper, city dweller, nature lover, veggie eater, and life learner.  She has been teaching yoga since 2004.  Growing up with the weirdest mother in town, Stephanie lived an all natural lifestyle including herbal medicine, organic gardening, energy healing, home schooling, fort building, and native American medicine.  She was also exposed to many different spiritual practices and ways of thinking as a child.  After rebelling for awhile, she soon came back to her roots and found a home in yoga. A home in yoga really meant a home in her heart.  She believes that everyone is a unique, beautiful light that should be honored, shared and loved.  We all have our own gifts to reveal and dreams to live. This is why she teaches yoga.  It is one of many ways to find joy in who we are, and to really embrace the magic and possibilities that are all around us.  Stephanie teaches private and group yoga classes, and is a singer/musician/songwriter.  She also holds gong sound healings and kirtans with her lovely sister, Sarah.

Find The Starnes Sisters on Facebook.


Editor: Edith Lazenby

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