January 7, 2025

Tried Everything to Calm Your Nervous System? These 5 Alternative Techniques Might Actually Help.


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*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that. ~ Ed


Let’s be real—most of us are more dysregulated than ever.

Since the pandemic, we’ve become collectively disconnected: fewer close friends, more time isolated from family, bigger work commitments, new layers of unprocessed trauma, and less and less time to ground ourselves.

Add to that the relentless noise of life—email pings, doom scrolling, 24/7 group chats—and it’s no wonder our nervous systems are stuck in survival mode.

Social media often makes it seem like regulating our nervous system is as simple as grabbing a weighted blanket, taking a few deep breaths, swaying from side to side, or journaling. And while those tools work for some, they don’t always cut it—and that doesn’t mean we’re broken. For many of us, deeper work is required.

It’s taken me years and a lot of trial and error to build a nervous system toolbox that actually works. And not one tool came from a tip I’d seen on Instagram.

Feeling overwhelmed or stuck? These five alternative nervous system regulating techniques might just help you find your way forward.

1. Resonance Breathing.

Box breathing might get all the hype, but resonance breathing is where it’s at. Slowing our breath to five or six cycles per minute—with equal-length inhales and exhales (about five seconds in, five seconds out, and no breath holding)—creates a delicious ripple effect of calm throughout our nervous system.

How it Helps: this isn’t just about calming down; it’s about syncing our hearts, lungs, and brain into a steady rhythm. And when we feel like we can’t do much of anything else—this is an eBay one to try. It doesn’t fix everything, but it’s a solid first step toward grounding yourself in the moment.

2. Move Differently.

Sometimes, when our body feels stuck, the best thing we can do is move it. Obviously, there are the usual suspects—yoga, stretching, walking, or twerking while doing the laundry—to help release tension and bring the nervous system back online.

But what if that isn’t enough? We can’t downward-dog our way out of everything. This is where clinical somatics comes in. Unlike traditional exercise, somatics targets the nervous system directly, retraining the brain and body to let go of tension patterns we didn’t even know we had.

How it Helps: stress and trauma often leave their fingerprints on our muscles—literally locking our body into protective postures. Somatics doesn’t just stretch us; it rewires those patterns from the inside out, helping us release deep-seated tension and regulate at a whole new level.

3. Find Calm in Chaos.

When we feel assaulted by bright lights, loud noises, or even strong smells (hello, fellow Highly Sensitive People), the most regulating thing we can do is bring calm to the sometimes unavoidable chaos.

We can give our senses a break and our nervous system the breathing room it needs by wearing special light-filtering glasses, nervous system devices like the Apollo Neuro, or my personal favorite and complete godsend—Loop Quiet Plus earplugs.

How it Helps: When our senses are constantly bombarded, our nervous system stays stuck in overdrive. These tools don’t block everything out—they soften the edges, giving our nervous system the chance to breathe and transform chaotic environments into tolerable ones. And yes, that even includes Thanksgiving with your mother-in-law.

4. The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).

SSP is a sound-based therapy that’s been transformative in my own journey. It uses specially filtered music to help “reset” the nervous system and is rooted in Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory (fancy science talk for how our nervous system handles stress and safety).

For me, it meant better sleep, fewer sensitivities, improved digestion, less charge around traumas, and a nervous system that finally felt like it had my back.

How it Helps: Unlike quick fixes, SSP dives deep into the nervous system, targeting its wiring at the root level. Put simply, SSP works to gently bring our nervous system out of survival mode and into a state of safety and connection—creating a foundation for lasting change and deeper healing.

5. Alternative Coregulation.

You’ve probably heard “healing happens in community,” but for some of us, that feels hideously scary. Because, let’s be real—sometimes people are too much. Does that mean we’ll never heal? Absolutely not.

Co-regulating with a pet can be just as effective as with a human. Or maybe we can find connection in the concept of animism and try settling our system by co-regulating with the soothing energies of objects and the nature around us. A gnarly old tree with deep roots, a piece of glass that catches the light just right, or a weighty ornament that feels good in your hands—whatever emanates a feeling of safety.

How it Helps: Co-regulation taps into our primal need for connection, whether that’s with the warmth of a pet, the grounding energy of a tree, or the tactile comfort of a favorite object. It’s about finding safety outside ourselves to bolster our own regulation.

A Regulated Nervous System is the Foundation of Healing.

Nervous system regulation isn’t just another wellness trend—it’s absolutely fundamental for vibrant health and wellness. Whether we’re navigating anxiety, chronic illness, or just the stress of modern life, taking care of our nervous system creates a foundation for deeper healing.

And the beauty of nervous system regulation is that we get to explore what feels right for us.

Start small, be curious, and remember: healing doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to begin.



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author: Emma Clark

Image: julieetozzy/instagram

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