February 21, 2010

Donald Trump sides with Sarah Palin, says Al Gore should apologize: Snopocalypse vs. Global Warming.

Donald Trump (and Palin) vs. Al Gore

“The Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore.”

Too busy getting rich n’getting laid to give a !@#$%^&* about the rest of us…or pay attention to an overwhelming scientific consensus.

The Donald said this to…get this…his golf club. Highlight is mine:

With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore.

Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn’t care less. It would make us totally non-competitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America’s stupidity.”

Even the USA Today, rather moderate, seems flummoxed at Trump’s dump:

Trump did not mention Vancouver’s lack of snow, which has prompted truckloads of snow to be carried to Olympic skiing and snowboarding venues.

As a prior post reports, global warming skeptics, including GOP Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, have used snowmageddon to taunt Gore, who has warned of the dangers of climate change. Scientists say global warming is actually contributing to new extreme weather patterns.

They failed to note that, whatever The Donald thinks, China is, as of now, the world’s leader in going green, building more solar panels and wind turbines than the rest of the world.

So what is going on? Well, it’s actually the 8th warmest winter on record. Global Warming is an inaccurate term, many scientists prefer Climate Change or Global Weirding. As the earth’s temperatures change due to manmade emmissions—you think all our cars and buildings and domesticated animals don’t have any effect?!—even when temps shift only a little (as they did before and after prior ice ages)—weather patterns change, and get more extreme.

This ain’t hypothetical—we have plenty of evidence right now.

On…yes…Fox…Trump repeated the suggestion:

For a far more informed, and funny take, click over to, yes, Colbert and Stewart.

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