The reasons we think we have met someone are often not what life has in store for us.
Why? Dunno. I sense this is like, “It’s not the answers, grasshopper; it’s the questions.” This is one of those “bigger than us” facts. What I realized not too long ago is that, looking back at many of the guys I’ve loved and even bumped into (not that bumping into them isn’t awesome), an intriguing phenomenon can be observed. My men have almost all given me an often seemingly bizarre, small, yet wonderfully life-enhancing gift. I thought I wanted lifelong commitment, vacations in Belize and dinner overlooking a private ocean. I got:
Rubbing Alcohol Guy
Taught Me:
Check this. If you swoosh on rubbing alcohol before you put on deodorant, it kills bacteria and keeps you smelling sweet for a long time and makes your deodorant work much better. If you have anything even approaching an active lifestyle, this tip can change your life. Long after rubbing alcohol guy is gone, my armpits are doing great.
Peanut Butter Man
Taught Me:
To be daring with food combinations. Peanut butter delights the senses. especially plopped directly onto ice cream. It’s also “delish” on grapefruit. I know. Peanut butter man also taught me to be reckless with ice cream and sorbet flavors. Throw them all in together. It looks and tastes amazing. Live it up. If anyone’s watching, they’ll be jealous.
Open Window Man
Taught Me:
To pull back the curtains in my bedroom, even knocking out a panel on my headboard, letting air and light into my cocoon. Open window man also taught me to turn the lights off in the rest of the house, thereby saving me hundreds of dollars in electric bills and contributing a little to saving energy. Who knew? More to spend on rubbing alcohol and peanut butter.
Sleepover Guy
Taught Me:
To be open towards staying over at his friends’ houses. I initially felt trepidatious about sleeping overnight with people I didn’t know well along with other related unknown factors. The invitation to stay with friendly relative strangers opened up connection, travel options and flexibility that runs deep.
What About You?
There are lessons and gifts we gain, big and small, from everyone with whom we come into contact. My men have given me something that is uniquely them, a piece of who they are. That is good getting.
So what about your guys and girls? Have they given you rubbing alcohol when you thought you wanted perfume? Maybe you needed rubbing alcohol. I highly recommend it. This insight is about gratitude, fun, ingenuity and connection. Hey, wait a second. Wasn’t it connection you were after? Hmmm.
Cheap Holiday Gift Giving Bonus Guide
These odd little gifts from my crew feel like holiday ornaments to me. The spice of life. That little touch that makes you smile, that “ups the ante” in your day and makes you aware how lucky we are to be here now. Consider the budgetary advantages on your holiday list of giving rubbing alcohol, peanut butter and the suggestion of open windows. Consider what giving of your true self and getting that from others is worth.
Super Savers Assorted Holiday Shopping List
1. Rubbing Alcohol: $1.99
2. Peanut Butter: $3.99
3. Open Windows: $0
4. Sleeping Over: $0 / suggested guest gift: see #s 1 and 2
5. Giving of Your True Self: $0 up front investment / gigantic ROI (return on investment)
Katie Geddes Ulanov is a designer romanced by color and an occasional mischief maker. Find Katie at, where she creates and encourages playful, rich businesses like yours for passionate entrepreneurs like you. Visit and call to learn how.
Editor: Sarah Winner
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