When you get into those situations where you’re the minority, not finding support or simply feeling as if you’re out by yourself on a limb, remember these five tips to help you get through those trying times:
1. You know yourself the best.
From knowing what your limitations are to knowing what your weaknesses are, you are the best judge in what will produce optimal and, of course, less than stellar results. So listen to yourself. Whenever in doubt, know that you know yourself the best.
2. You know what’s best for yourself.
Now, you may follow the first tip, about knowing yourself the best, but you also need to know what’s best for yourself. In other words, you may know you have a weakness for decadent chocolate. Well, you haven’t had it in some time, but after having a solid meal, that craving is still persisting. Hence, you know that if you don’t give in to that piece of chocolate, you’ll end up eating everything until you finally give in. So, know what’s best for yourself at that exact moment, which may vary depending on the place and people involved and the situation.
3. You have learned from your own mistakes.
If you’re feeling as if you are in a situation where you are the odd man out than you most likely have learned from your past mistakes. Hence, just go with it and know that you’ve been down this path or a similar one before. Once you begin learning from your mistakes, you can learn to continually move forward versus falling into the trap of replaying the same events over and over while expecting different results.
4. You are the only one that has control over your actions.
Yes, it’s always easier to blame another person or even blame it on the alcohol or the tough day at work. Yet, it is your choice and your decision. Therefore, know that you need to hold yourself accountable for your actions. If you do give in and it goes awry, take it as a learning lesson—learn from that mistake by taking ownership of where you took the misstep.
5. You innately know what the right thing to do is.
This point is really an accumulation of everything above, but simply put, if you are having any hesitation, your conscience is in play. You are having some sort of hesitation for a reason. So, whether or not you can contemplate the above steps, know that you do innately know what’s best for yourself. This point may seem the simplest, but it is often the most complex because it may not be the easiest to follow through on.
So, next time you find yourself in one of those situations where you feel as if you are the minority or the black sheep, let the points above help guide you along. Know that you aren’t the first person to be put into a predicament like that and most certainly won’t be the last. Yet, at the end of the day, you have to look at yourself the next day and the days after that. Therefore, why not be proud and happy to know you are taking the right steps in the right direction? As it has been said, the better path isn’t always the easiest path, but it is the path that is worth taking in the long run.
Aimee Hoefler, MBA, RYT, is the author of Become Empowered, Take Charge of Your Life; international marketing professional; owner of the lifestyle website www.aimeehoefler.com, which is focused on health and wellness and much more; and co-founder of the marketing and design firm Malen-Dyer.
The passion Aimee has for helping others become empowered and live a positive life truly embodies so much that she does. Her professional experiences, from working as an investment banker in London to co-managing a multimillion-dollar retail store in Las Vegas, have propelled her to the forefront of the business world. Through living out those journeys, she has come to fully comprehend the importance and power of leading a positive and empowered life. Be sure to follow Aimee on Twitter @aimeehoefler, like on Facebook and watch Aimee Living Yoga on YouTube.
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Ed: Brianna Bemel
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