May 10, 2013

“Nothing is Worth Saving more than our Beautiful, Sensual Mother, the Earth.” ~ Hafiz

Source: tumblr.com via Lies on Pinterest


Featured on the front page of The NY Times, today: “Carbon Dioxide Level Is at Its Highest in Human History.”

“The amount of the heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere has reached a level not seen for at least three million years, and scientists believe the rise portends large changes in the climate and sea level.”

Evil Elephant

Disclaimer: A good way to share to share important stuff that we normally love to ignore, or to make fun of real stuff without being too serious.

Everything you just read is a lie. Or maybe you’re the lie. Or maybe the title and the photo have nothing to do with the article, which is actually true. Or maybe the opposite of that. You figure it out, you’re a smart kid. Or maybe you’re not. Or maybe you don’t care.

Either way, this has been a part of elephant’s nationally award-winning satirical series, Evil Elephant. This satirical series was borne of my editor’s frustration that “We share a happy Pinterest photo of a lady blowing bubbles into the sunrise, and it gets 1000 shares. We share a critique of Playboy Yoga, and it gets 1000,000 readers. We share actual news, “Front page of NY Times today: ‘Carbon Dioxide Level Is at Its Highest in Human History'” and it gets two readers. Serious question: how can we save ourselves if we only want “happy,” and ignore reality while driving our SUVs and buying plastic water bottles and turning our heat or AC up etc?” To which a reader suggested: “Attach a photo of a lady blowing bubbles to actual news stories…”To which I said, “Ahahaha you just made my day. And a photo of Playboy Yoga for the 12 year old boys.” To which another friend said, “If you figure out the answer to this question Way, you will be a genius.” To which I replied, “The Onion already figured it out.”

And so our satirical series is born. I’ve always had the time of my life blogging on April Fool’s Day—blogging fake shit that is real shit or real shit in a fake way…and we’ve always said on every April 2nd, “Boy I wish we could prank all year.” We can. ~ ed.


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