July 2, 2013

“Judge rules teaching Yoga in school is not an expression of religion. Dismisses lawsuit by Christians.”


Not the Onion.

Via LA Times: Judge rules teaching Yoga in school is not an expression of religion. Dismisses lawsuit by Christians (latimes.com)

Down Dog! Hail Satan!

In other news: Witches exist and are Evil, so Boycott Harry Potter!

“In Encinitas, it’s being taught to kids in an effort to reduce bullying, obesity and overcompetitiveness…But the district had always allowed children whose families objected to be excused from the classes….”

“I find that ironic, actually. Usually the argument is over whether devout Christians have the right to practice religion any old public place. But I digress.”


Pro-tip: want “kids these days” to stay active in church? Don’t focus on silly fears and hate: focus on Jesus’ message of Love, compassion for the poor and weak, and prayer and songs to God. That’s the kind of Sunday School I went to as a child, and though I’m not Christian, I have nothing but respect and appreciation for those Christians who practice charity instead of prejudice.

“Their argument is that it is a religious activity and therefore should be banned while the same time saying we need religion in schools.”

Bonus: “I bet those religious nut jobs wouldn’t mind at all if the school did the exact same activities, but called them Praise Moves.”

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