February 8, 2009

The Scripture of the Golden Eternity, Rules Number 65 and 66. [Jack Kerouac; City Lights Bookstore video; Ferlinghetti]

Back when I was an avid Kerouac reader, I read everything of his, just about—including treasures like Tristessa, Town & The City, Pomes…and this, The Scripture of the Golden Eternity, which rose out of Kerouac’s bibliotheque love and study of Mahayana Buddhism. Most famous among the 66 rules are the last two.



This is the first teaching from the golden eternity.


The second teaching from the golden eternity is that there never was a first teaching from the golden eternity. So be sure.


Here’s a few of the earlier ones, to give you a taste.



This world is the movie of what everything is, it is one movie, made of the same stuff throughout, belonging to nobody, which is what everything is.


If we were not all the golden eternity we wouldnt be here. Because we are here we cant help being pure. To tell man to be pure on account of the punishing angel that punishes the bad and the rewarding angel that rewards the good would be like telling the water “Be Wet”-Never the less, all things depend on supreme reality, which is already established as the record of Karma earned-fate.


God is not outside us but is just us, the living and the dead, the never-lived and never-died. That we should learn it only now, is supreme reality, it was written a long time ago in the archives of universal mind, it is already done, there’s no more to do.


This is the knowledge that sees the golden eternity in all things, which is us, you, me, and which is no longer us, you, me.


What name shall we give it which hath no name, the common eternal matter of the mind? If we were to call it essence, some might think it meant perfume, or gold, or honey. It is not even mind. It is not even discussible, groupable into words; it is not even endless, in fact it is not even mysterious or inscrutably inexplicable; it is what is; it is that; it is this. We could easily call the golden eternity “This.” But “what’s in a name?” asked Shakespeare. The golden eternity by another name would be as sweet. A Tathagata, a God, a Buddha by another name, an Allah, a Sri Krishna, a Coyote, a Brahma, a Mazda, a Messiah, an Amida, an Aremedeia, a Maitreya, a Palalakonuh, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 would be as sweet. The golden eternity is X, the golden eternity is A, the golden eternity is /\, the golden eternity is O, the golden eternity is [ ], the golden eternity is t-h-e-g-o-l-d-e-n-e-t-e-r- n-i-t-y. In the beginning was the word; before the beginning, in the beginningless infinite neverendingness, was the essence. Both the word “god” and the essence of the word, are emptiness. The form of emptiness which is emptiness having taken the form of form, is what you see and hear and feel right now, and what you taste and smell and think as you read this. Wait awhile, close your eyes, let your breathing stop three seconds or so, listen to the inside silence in the womb of the world, let your hands and nerve-ends drop, re-recognize the bliss you forgot, the emptiness and essence and ecstasy of ever having been and ever to be the golden eternity. This is the lesson you forgot.


The lesson was taught long ago in the other world systems that have naturally changed into the empty and awake, and are here now smiling in our smile and scowling in our scowl. It is only like the golden eternity pretending to be smiling and scowling to itself; like a ripple on the smooth ocean of knowing. The fate of humanity is to vanish into the golden eternity, return pouring into its hands which are not hands. The navel shall receive, invert, and take back what’d issued forth; the ring of flesh shall close; the personalities of long dead heroes are blank dirt.


The point is we’re waiting, not how comfortable we are while waiting. Paleolithic man waited by caves for the realization of why he was there, and hunted; modern men wait in beautified homes and try to forget death and birth. We’re waiting for the realization that this is the golden eternity.


It came on time.


There is a blessedness surely to be believed, and that is that everything abides in eternal ecstasy, now and forever.



It’s a slim volume, weighs about as much as a hummingbird, and totally worth the read for anyone interested in Buddhism, in philosophy, in love and sadness, or in coming down from a bad high.

If you’re gonna buy it, support the source, City Lights, the famous SF Beat bookstore and indie publisher. Video:

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