June 29, 2008

elephant journal mentor, Vermilion Design, wins Webby.

From my idol, Bob Morehouse, of Vermilion Design.

“Dear Friends:
Well, Vermilion actually snagged the Webby Award this week. I just got back from New York, where David Byrne and Stephen Colbert were given special recognition, and numerous Webby Awards were handed out at the gala dinner. Many thanks to all of you who voted for us, and to those of you who tried but couldn’t get through. I’m certainly proud of the team here who did such a beautiful job on the Action Marketing Group website. Here’s a blog from today that captured some of the humor of the event.
If you want to see some of our latest creativity, here’s a fun microsite for IZZE, which keys off the current ad campaign we created for them that’s running in national magazines. It lets you create your own iron-on tee-shirt design.
Thanks again to all of you for your support on this project! ~ Bob”


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