March 12, 2014

Instagram Contest! Elephant gives out 12 month free subscription once a week.

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1. Post a photo on instagram of a mindful action: like using a stainless steel or glass jar instead of a to-go cup, or using an eco yoga mat, or walking to work instead of driving…whatever you like. Eating real food, being

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patient with a jerk in traffic, you name it, it’s allllll good.

> In your instagram, Hashtag #mindfulaction and #elephantjournal and cc @waylonlewis and @elephantjournal (you don’t have to follow, that’s your choice, but brownie points count 😉 )

> Link your instagram to twitter, tumblr, and/or Facebook for the share

2. Subscribe, free, to our Daily Wake UP Call newsletter here. anna brones instagram grapefruit
It’s a free curated email newsletter. Every newsletter we send means that our partner Namaste Interactive plants a tree (in case you need some good karma).

3. We will give out a free year subscription ($19 value) once a week, on Friday, to our favorite mindful action and photo. We will contact you via Instagram if we see you’ve signed up for our newsletter.

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