April 13, 2014

Why President Clinton is no longer vegan? Dr. Mark Hyman.

bush reagan clinton economy republican democrat

From the cover story on the NY Times, about one of our featured columnists, Dr. Mark Hyman (read his articles here).

One of the first things Dr. Hyman did was to wean Mr. Clinton off his previously prescribed vegan diet. Despite persistent news media reports that he is vegan, Mr. Clinton does occasionally eat fish and lean protein. “It’s hard being a vegan to eat enough good, quality protein and not have too much starch,” Dr. Hyman said over lunch at the Four Seasons restaurant in New York.

“I know a lot of fat vegans.”


As a fit vegan, I find that line of thought old-fashioned. I get tons of protein, np. I’m active–I climb, bike every day (don’t own a car), yoga, hike. I’m 185 pounds–6 foot 3.  

In any case, awesome that Dr. Hyman is working with Hillary and Bill. For the rest of the article (I’ve just nitpicked the section I took exception to), go over to the NY Times.


Complete Protein? Complete Nonsense.

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