August 25, 2014

Why Never Fighting in Our Marriages Could Be Destroying Them.

Angry upset mean girl friend child

I’ve met many couples over the years who proudly state “We never fight.”

Meanwhile, their intimacy is suffering and they have become comfortable as roommates or pals. One or both parties tend to be conflict avoidant and have been that way for years.

If we want to continue to reach the levels of intimacy we desire, we’ll need to learn how to get the gloves on and deal. No, I’m not promoting violence, nor am I talking about physical fights. I’m talking about emotional, relational fights that are necessary to grow and deepen over time.

Watch this short, instructional video to understand why not fighting can hurt our relationships and how fighting can help them.

Granted, some of you need to learn how to chill out and fight less. Stay tuned for next week’s episode on how to stop looping in fights that never seem to end.

Read more about the conflict avoidant couple here.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Flickr

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