November 12, 2014

November in Nova Scotia. {Poem}

autumn moon

The half moon gliding through the dark sky

Is reflected in many windows.

Scent of ripe fruit and damp leaves is in the air.


Students are strolling zigzagedly, laughing loudly

On sidewalks soon to be muffled by snow.

City gardens are dying, about to be buried,

Yet parsley and chives still emerge through the leaves,

And nasturtiums and marigolds continue to bloom.


There are so many apples out in the country

That they’re falling to the ground

And the night deer feast on them.


As the moon begins to set, the sky lightens to a pale blue.

Golden leaves and red wave from near bear branches

Like tiny prayer flags in the golden sun.


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Author: Linda Lewis

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: Greyerbaby


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