January 24, 2015

I’ll Be Happy When. {Poem}


I’ll be happy in the future.

I’ll be happy when I get that toy I really, really want.

I’ll be happy when I find a best friend.

I’ll be happy when I improve my GPA and class rank.

I’ll be happy when I find a nice boyfriend.

I’ll be happy when I fall in love.

I’ll be happy when I graduate with honors.

I’ll be happy when I get into my top choice university.

I’ll be happy when I’m not sick.

I’ll be happy when I have enough money to travel.

I’ll be happy when I pay off my loans.

I’ll be happy when I get an amazing job.

I’ll be happy when I write a novel.

I’ll be happy when I find my life partner.

I’ll be happy when I buy my dream house.

I’ll be happy when I get a better car.

I’ll be happy when I have more time to spend with my family and friends.

I’ll be happy when Obama is president and Bush is not.

I’ll be happy when I move to another place, maybe even a new country.

I’ll be happy when I lose 15 pounds.

I’ll be happy when I can hold a handstand in the middle of the room.

I’ll be happy when my writing is published.

I’ll be happy when I have a baby.

I’ll be happy when my daughter is potty trained.

I’ll be happy when I am working from home.

I’ll be happy when I get married.

I’ll be happy when my husband and I have a better relationship.

I’ll be happy when I’m fluent in Spanish.

I’ll be happy when I can do what I want, which is yoga.

I’ll be happy when I quit my job.

I’ll be happy when I sell my house.

I’ll be happy when I get a good night’s sleep.

I’ll be happy when I go on a meditation retreat.

I’ll be happy when I travel through Asia studying the Dharma.

I’ll be happy when there is world peace.

I’ll be happy when I retire.

I’ll be happy when I die.

(Or not.)

What if happiness is not dependent on these conditions?

What if I could be happy, right here, right now, even though my life isn’t perfect and never will be?

What if I could be happy with my aches and irritations and concerns and duties?

I am happy just to breathe. I am alive.

I am happy just to have food, water, shelter, clothing and love. I am grateful.

I am happy just to hug and play with my beautiful little girl. I am happy just to be her mama.

I am happy just to trust and respect my partner. I am loved and loving.

I am happy like the songbirds, even when it’s raining.

I am happy like the lilies in bloom, even knowing I will wither and pass away sooner or later.

I am happiest when I am like water, when I let go and go with the flow.

When will you be happy?

What’s stopping you from being happy, just where you are, right now, today?


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Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: flickr, pixoto

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