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Limerick Fans & Irish Radio Stations Pay Tribute to Dolores O’Riordan as She is Laid to Rest This Morning.

0 Heart it! Hilda Carroll 87
January 23, 2018
Hilda Carroll
0 Heart it! 87

Ten minutes from now (11.30am GMT) Dolores O’Riordan’s funeral will commence. While fans have been in mourning since her death was announced last week, her city of Limerick has been in an official state of mourning for their own queen for  three days now.

On Sunday afternoon, thousands of fans paid their respects as Dolores’ body laid in reposal at St Joseph’s Church. Then last night (Monday) fans turned out at Arthur’s Quay Park to join local musicians in song.

And at 12 noon today, all independent radio stations across the country will play When you’re Gone as an official national tribute to the singer. You can tune in to any independent Irish radio station online to listen. However, fans who can’t be physcially present at the funeral can attend virtually by turning into Limerick95FM who are broadcasting the funeral live, with the blessing of Dolores’ family.

Tune in now for a special program that is already airing.

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