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Save an Animal. Save the world. Two simple things you can do to alleviate animal abuse.

2 Heart it! Marilyn Regan 101
August 21, 2018
Marilyn Regan
2 Heart it! 101

I love animals. I really do. I’d like to say I like them better than most people, but I’m not joking. Hey, I did say most people.

When I decided to follow The Animal Rescue and the Rainforest Sites, I didn’t expect to be bombarded with pictures and details of the horrors innocent animal endure at the hands of the beast: man.  I have the (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) A.S.P.C.A. for that.  But hey, I make an annual donation to them to cover all the bases as well as the M.S.P.C.A. (Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) in Massachusetts.

I was expecting to see pictures of dogs in full pant, smiling, and cats behaving smugly with an occasional head tilt. Instead, the pages bleed out suffering and scream of animal abandonment, abuse and neglect. Wait! I didn’t sign up for this. Or did I?

I knew about abuse, neglect and abandonment, but I did not realize the extent. And what you see on-line is not even a fraction of what animals get. They represent the reported cases, and most are not. Also, animal abuse cases are not compiled by state and federal agencies, yet.

Intentional cruelty to animals is correlated to cruelty against people and domestic abuse. It’s no wonder animal rights activists are pushing for a National Animal Cruelty Registry in an effort to prevent offenders from adopting animals. If you haven’t signed the petition, there’s still time.

The abuse is not just domestic animals, but livestock and those living in the wild.

It’s everywhere!

“From the mountains…..”

The Trump administration, under the Interior, is moving to allow hunters to shoot cubs and their mothers who are hibernating in their dens. God forbid a hunter actually tracks down a conscious one that has a chance of surviving. And this is considered sporting.
https://www.washingtonpost. com/news/animalia/wp/2018/05/ 22/trump-administration-moves- to-end-a-ban-on-alaska- hunting-practices-that-many- say-are-cruel/?utm_term=. 27fb2db1e228

“To the prairies….”

Black-tailed prairie dogs are also targets, poisoned in their dens.They then writhe in agony over a number of days or hours before they succumb. Why? Because ranchers wrongly believe they compete with the cattle for their grass. And of course we know the cattle are ultimately slaughtered for meat. magazine/november-december- 2009/doggone-prairie-dogs- face-new-and

Then if that’s not enough, the poison spreads to other species. Prairie dogs eat the poison, crawl out of their dens and die above ground; coyotes eat carcasses with enough residual poison to kill them; eagles eat dead coyote….you get the ugly picture.

“To the oceans, white with foam…..” (and plastic!)

And the oceans hold their own pain. Fisherman fish salmon to the brink of extinction, causing malnutrition in whales, to the point many of their young do not survive. 11/health/sperm-whale-plastic- waste-trnd/index.html  This is why I boycott salmon.

Whales starve and wash-up on beaches. Autopsies reveal plastic bags wrapped around their intestines and waste in their stomachs. 11/health/sperm-whale-plastic- waste-trnd/index.html  And you can bet this included disposable to-go coffee cups.

In September, the town of Taiji, Japan begins its annual six-month hunt of dolphin pods for the food and entertainment industries. In doing so, hundreds are slaughtered either directly or as collateral damage to the hunting method: nets. japans-horrific-dolphin-hunt- season-begins/. If this speaks to you, support Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project.  by making a purchase.  My t-shirt is good quality and it advertises the cause.

For one, I never considered how dolphins ended-up at Sea World. They look so happy. I mean really, what was I thinking: that they chose to be cooped up in a tank as entertainment instead of swimming free and wild in the ocean with their family and friends, a.k.a. “pods?” Think of the dolphin shows as the circus in water, the same principles apply. Activists aptly refer to it as a “sea prison.” Can you say boycott?

Hawksbill turtles are caught in gill netting that kills over a hundred a year.

In the air, honey bees buzz into the extinction.

And let’s not forget our beloved elephants killed for their tusks or just the sheer thrill of seeing something that large fall. I can hear their agonizing trumpeting screams as they succumb to the savagery of a hunter’s bullet.

The two things I do every day is to “click”, with my computer mouse no less, on two links to two websites: the Animal Rescue Site and the Rainforest Site. It’s quick, easy, and it’s free.

The Animal Rescue Site provides food and care for shelter animals.  Subscribe and you’ll receive a daily e-mail. Open it and click “Click to Give –  IT’S FREE!.” At that point you’ll get a, “THANK YOU!” how many bowls of food your click donated and a list of causes.

The second is The Rainforest Site.  Their goal is to protect and preserve wildlife habitats. Click “Your friendly reminder”, then “Click to Give –  IT’S FREE.” It will tell you how many acres of protected habitat they’ve saved.

By the very fact they are alive, all manner of creatures are neglected and/or abused. Can you donate? Great!  As little as $5.00 a month to PETA: (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) will provide food and shelter. This is one of my favorites and it only costs me $60.00 a year.

Money is tight? No problem. Your signature, e-mail, or phone call to a senator, congressman/woman, and representative can go a long way to helping. Case and point, check out the National Defense Authorization Act which includes an animal protection provision.  This is a first, but it doesn’t have to be the last. Love the happy pigs!

Aside from the organizations listed above, here are a few of my favorites:

The Nature; Oceana; American Rivers:; and for the elephants the African Wildlife Foundation:

Any cowboys or cowgirls out there looking for a horse? If so, consider rescuing one from Dreamchaser PMU Rescue and Rehabilitation

Don’t have property?  No problem!  You can make it a virtual adoption. But it will have to be mare.

What exactly are they doing to horses?  Let me break it down:

PREgnant MARes urINE = Premarin.

And once they finish torturing the mother, the foals are torn away, slaughtered and sold as meat.

Animal abuse won’t go away overnight and probably not in our lifetimes, but as a community of compassionate humans in an enlightened society we can make a difference.

So, what do you want to do for the cause of your choice?   Make calls, sign petitions, blog?

Pick one, or two, and go for it.

Innocent animals will be grateful.


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2 Heart it! Marilyn Regan 101
2 Heart it! 101

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