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This is so BIG….

0 Heart it! DJ Harris 46
October 11, 2018
DJ Harris
0 Heart it! 46

Is Your Sex free? Is it allowed to go where it wants? Allowed to seek its own level? Or do you control it? Do you have”rules” about how it should be performed? How it should look? What is “loving” sex? What it spiritual sex? What is “sweet” sex vs rough sex? Do you pressure sex, push it in certain directions; make it look a certain way? Or do you hold back; using your partner for stimulation; but you are somewhere else; imagining someone else, not showing your real face; who you really are? What really turns you on? Dare to say it. Be here now, while fucking! If never thought of these questions, severely denied sexuality.
If sex is routine and just banging against old patterns, old images, scenarios that you keep acting out over and over again then it’s not moving, not evolving… because life is meant to move ever onward towards new creation.

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0 Heart it! DJ Harris 46
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