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You can LET GO and move with grace and ease into your bliss when you follow your highest good.

1 Heart it! Amanda Gregory 45
June 10, 2018
Amanda Gregory
1 Heart it! 45

Don’t you see just how damn beautiful you truly are. 

You are ray of sunshine,

A light beam that is apart of the starry night sky.

The sun shines so bright on the hottest day.

You light up the room just by your aura.

Magic that is, that illuminates off and all around you.

See the fire, light inside your eyes.

The light that opens the gates to your soul.

Say hello and smile bright to the wander of your inner depths.

Let go of the attachments and false beliefs that are weighing you down.

See the lessons and growth that you have acquired and overcome.

Brilliant like the bright sun how you have come forward and move to where you are at today.

Don’t look back into the past or ahead into the future for that is all not apart of your here and now.

You can LET GO and move with grace and ease into your bliss when you follow your highest good.

Ask yourself is this in my best interest to do, my highest good?

If so act from that space and leap far and wide because baby you are an Eagle inside and out.

Fly HIGH. 

This poem came to me after having an incredible adventure with a new man in my life.  I have really flown higher into a space of grace and ease feeling safe with a man.  I feel like I can truly be me, let go of the past, my mind in the future and continue to learn to be grounded into the here and now.  I am learning that this time is healing and rinsing me of my old fears of being hurt by the masculine.  I can truly be seen by a man and loved for who I AM.  That feels nourishing.  That makes me feel as though I can do anything not because of his feelings for me but because I am fully able to be me unapologetically.  Allow yourself to be seen.  I mean truly seen for the rawest expression of you and you will see just how high you will fly when you don’t allow fear to halt you.  Let that be the path that guides you where to jump next.  YOU CAN. 

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1 Heart it! Amanda Gregory 45
1 Heart it! 45

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