>> Plan ahead. Buy in bulk and use your own containers. Prepare extra when cooking staples such as rice or baked squash, or simple dishes like soups that will keep for several days. This saves time, energy and nips stress in the bud.
>> Kitchen organization and design helps. No need for a total make-over-awareness itself makes a huge difference. Install good lighting with energy efficient bulbs. Use eco-friendly soaps and cleansers and few, if any, paper towels. Use less water by washing dishes without running water or replacing an old dishwasher with an efficient Energy Star-rated one (European models can be great). Donate to non-profits who offer free totes. Then keep them by every door and in your car or backpack so you’ll have one with you for books, groceries, the gym…
>> Be vigilant, not hardhearted. Set your standards high for an environmentally-responsible kitchen. But if you see a friend holding a Styrofoam cup of chain-store coffee and toting a plastic bag full of artifi cial, processed foods, be kind. Change takes time. Chastising won’t solve the problem-humor and inspiration by example might.
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