May 31, 2008

Music Review – Vampire Weekend,

David Byrne, Paul Simon and The Samples, and now Vampire Weekend have all been influenced by Afro-Pop; with high speed, high register guitar chords, hand drumming and syncopated keyboard lines. Vampire Weekend is born out of the Ivy League—Columbia, specifically—so it’s no surprise that their other influence is college rock, or (as it’s known in its current hyper-hip form) indie rock. This union of genres is nothing short of pop music: catchy. Some of the violin (there’s also plenty of viola and cello), and historical, ethnic ruminations are reminiscent of Andrew Bird. Themes of N.Y.C., Cape Cod, road trips and academia abound. “I stand corrected. You’ve been checking on my facts/and I admit that I have been lax/in double screening what I say/it wasn’t funny anyway.”

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