September 19, 2008

Colbert video: Bob Lutz, VP of GM, doesn’t “believe in Climate Change.” Does believe in Chevy Volt.


“Don’t believe in the CO2 theory,” says the VP of one of America’s Big Three Automakers. Despite 99% of scientists being in agreement that when humans heat something—a house, a car, a factory—it heats its surroundings.

That said, he can believe whatever he wants, as long as he wakes up and smells the green market: if they owned a Volt, 80% of American drivers would never have to buy gas. From NY Times: Chevrolet Volt is expected to be the icing on General Motors’ 100th birthday cake this week. The much-promoted sedan, which will operate as an electric car in typical local driving, is intended to provide a jump-start for the company’s second century.

Colbert Video:

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