September 11, 2008

Eco Lady Crush Number Eight: Lauren Bush (yes, she’s a Bush). [Feed Bag]

Update: Lauren Bush’s second season eco fair-trade fashion line.

Update: Lauren Bush just held a fundraiser or something with sweet Summer Rayne Oakes presenting some award to her, something to do with elephants and Lauren’s wonderful FEED bag, you want to know the deets go to our fave ecorazzi, they know all in ecocelebland.

What if I told you George W. Bush, creator of anti-environmental everything (Big Energy & Oil deciding our energy laws, Healthy Forests, Clear Skies and other misleadingly-named acts) had a brother who had a daughter who was 

1) an elegant, well-known model for Tommy Hilfigger etc

2) an activist for those less fortunate (for more, click here)

3) an eco-entrepreneur?

Would you be in love, Green Gents? Eco Boys?  


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