Apparently not all is bleak for the economy. I may or may not be bringing you some Eco-Gospel here on elephantjournaldotcom, because I like spreading good news when I catch wind of it.
It’s not exactly that the housing market has suddenly taken a turn for the better, and now we can all go to our homes safe in the knowledge that their value will continue to comfortably appreciate while our mortgage rates stay steadily manageable. In fact, it’s nowhere near that ball park.
It’s this:
I’ll explain.
I’m new to the Boulder Area, and as anyone new to any area would, they would go on various different websites to meet interesting people and gain friends and enemies alike. I stumbled upon these guys.
Let’s make no mistake about these folks: a few of them are capitalists to the bone, they are all about finding that next great idea and making a ton of money off of it. The encouraging bit is this: this new industry that has the potential to do all sorts of good things for our economy (and certain pocketbooks) is Green, Environmentally Friendly, Energy-Saving, Munchy/Crunchy emerging technologies.
Wait, what is this? Capitalism actually working FOR the preservation of our natural resources? FOR alternative energy? FOR solutions to our climate crisis?
Yeah, I know. You don’t believe me. Like I said, I had been drinking. So I took some pictures to prove that they exist.
While you are mesmerized by my amazing 2 Megapixel snapshots, I’ll continue with what I learned there. For one thing, I learned about investment capital and venture capitalists. I learned about “angel investors” and “bootstrapping” (which was, previously, something that was only legal to do to someone in Germany).
In essence, this was the place where some of the brightest ideas that we have circulating around the Green community of inventors, scientists, and ordinary folks tinkering in their garage met with investors of all sorts who share in the excitement that comes with finding new sources of industry and growth. Ah. Smell the cash flowing in the air, the smell of fresh cut checks and business cards being exchanged. Das Kaptial, baby. That’s what I’m talking about.
I don’t know if I am at liberty to get into the specifics of some of the ideas that were being tossed around there and presented to the group (I don’t know if all of the patents have been filed yet), but I’ll say a little bit, and then you can make your choice as to which one you think is the best.
A networking system that controls the lights and thermostats in buildings in order to save energy?
All of the above???
Anyway, I had a great sense of “yay” after that conference. I was the only person, I think, under the age of 30 in the room, but that’s usually the case. I also think that I drank more of the free “refreshments” than anyone in the room, which might explain why I thought it was one of the most fun conferences on investments, emerging markets, and green industry that I have ever attended.
Come to think of it, this would have been my first time meeting any “Ecoprenuers”. Fancy that.
To get political for just one moment before I kick out of here: I am a registered Libertarian. That’s facts, I registered that way as soon as I could vote. Now, while I am voting Dem this year (for Ron Paul related reasons), the Libertarian in me was very gratified to see the Private Sector getting honestly excited about Green Industry. It’s not exactly a revolution, but it’s baby steps.
So take a look at all the links I have posted, see which one you think is the best idea, because I have been drinking far too much to make any kind of decision on this matter.
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