I secretly like to celebrate my half birthday. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to share it with our country’s day of mobilization towards a new green economy. Green jobs in fields such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and green building, championed by Van Jones and his organization Green For All, will make our economy stronger, greener and make Americans living in poverty part of a revitalized middle class. Today, September 27, is our national day of action to build this new economy. Check out events happening nationwide here. You can start supporting this movement with a simple signature on the petition of Green Jobs Now, to urge our elected officials in the creation of these jobs and a Clean Energy Corps. Then check on Van Jones’ new book, “The Green Collar Economy” hitting shelves on October 7th. Plus keep an eye on his co-founder of Green For All, Majora Carter, and her speaking engagements. She is a total star in the truest sense of the word and learning about green collar jobs and how they will change our economy through her is a blessing.
Green Jobs Now!

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