October 25, 2008

Efficient Lego Radiator? Yes, Please. [Green Upgrader, Dvice.com]


Lego has got to be one of the few 100 percent pure good things on this earth—the word itself evokes nothing less than childhood itself. Learning while having fun. Bright colors, games on the ancient Persian rug that, threadbare and worn, still sits on my living room floor. 

But I’m 34, now, I’ve grown up (physically, at least) and am into boring adult things like Buddhist meditation and living in harmony with the environment. 

Still, I occasionally, wistfully look back at those simpler days, when the biggest decision of the day was whether to play at Robin’s house or Noel’s or Jonathan’s or Sol’s. 

And so it is that this (pricey, I’m sure) Italian-engineered radiator fills me with warmth. And I don’t even own one.

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