October 21, 2008

Glassbooth Helps You Decide How to Vote

(photo by Michael Levin www.zoobird.com)

Do you vote? Who are you going to vote for in the coming election? Even if you think you know, it makes sense to spend a few minutes with Glassbooth’s website just to arm yourself with some facts. I bet you’ll bring it up in your next politically-oriented conversation once you’ve tried it.

GlassBooth debuted on Current TV as a web tool that helps you chose political candidates. By the way, this is what Current TV calls “VC2” meaning viewer created content, which a part of the next wave of the web some call Web2.0: combining the viewer created content of Current’s website with media you can watch on TV. 

GlassBooth asks you a series of questions that pinpoint your stance on various issues and then tells you which presidential candidate most closely matches your choices and why.

GlassBooth took 6 months from concept to deployment. You can save your results by bookmarking the final URL once you‘ve worked through the questions. You can digg it. There’s an embedded WordPress blog.

From a conceptual standpoint, GlassBooth is a very useful, clever approach to educating voters on a problem that boils down to who do you vote for when there are so many issues to consider. 

GlassBooth was created by Movingbox Studios L.L.C. “a multimedia production company based out of Ithaca, New York. We’re a creative community focused on film production, web design, animation, and audio recording/editing. Moving Box Studios is here to bridge the gap between art and entertainment.”






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