October 19, 2008

Herbal Enlightenment

(photo by Michael Levin www.zoobird.com)

“If the day and night are such that you greet them with joy and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet scented herbs that is your success. All nature is your congratulations.” — Henry David Thoreau

Learning about herbs is like going to a magic show.  Amazing, unexpected things happen that delight and surprise you. I bought some herbs yesterday from a marvelous herb farm. The woman working there, Kathy, said she had formerly been a manager in a big corporation. She said she had quit her job to do something she really loved. This morning I’m in the presence of a few of these wonderful plants.

Bergamot  Orange – This is the flavoring added to tea to get the Earl Grey flavor.

Sage – My friend burned some sage in his house before dinner and it smelled fantastic. I’ve want to do it at my place ever since.

Chocolate Peppermint – Kathy warned peppermint is invasive so only plant it in a pot. She said you could put some in high alcohol content vodka with some peppercorns and leave it in a closet. You’ll have liquor six to eight weeks later!

Arugula – I bought the Arugula because I just ran across a recipe for chicken stuffed with arugula and goat cheese. That’s basically it. It’s so simple I am convinced that it’s worth making.

Stevia – Stevia is a natural sweetener. Kathy said that I’d know if I used too much if I was left with an aftertaste. She said she dried the leaves. You can use bruised green leaves but she doesn’t because it’s too sweet.

There’s a bonus you get from growing herbs.  You get a good feeling from doing it yourself. Herbs will let you treat your friends and yourself to some home made things to eat and enjoy.




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