October 2, 2008

Obama up by 9 points on eve of VP debate. Clinton > popular than Reagan.

Here’s the NY Times article. Excerpt: With the first presidential debate completed and both candidates grappling with the turmoil on Wall Street and in Washington, Senator Barack Obama is showing signs of gaining significant support among voters with less than five weeks left until Election Day, while Senator John McCain’s image has been damaged by his response to the financial crisis.

The VP debate’s tonight—where we see if Biden can serve as the amiable, loose-lipped attack-dog without coming off as superior, gaffe-prone or sexist! Where Republicans see if Palin, after poor, poor, poor-—okay, embarrassing performances in recent interviews, can reclaim that folksy viciousness she thrilled ’em with in the early days following her nomination! Call a friend and organize a potluck or bbq if you haven’t already–I’m going to a neighbor’s place who pulls a screen down in the backyard making the show big enough for 100 folks, children, dogs and lotsa good food and drink. Of course, it’ll be a little chillier than it was last time I was there.

Also, check out (click on) the an amazing chart below showing our last 10 presidents. Did you know that, overall, Clinton was more popular than Reagan? I sure as hell didn’t. When I think Reagan, I think of fawning Republicans. When I think Clinton, I think of promise marred by bad judgement with Miss Lewinsky.



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