October 16, 2008

Top Ten Eco Computers.

Excerpt: “Picking a desktop that uses fewer watts than an old skool incandescent light bulb is less about penny-pinching and more about feeling good. Feeling good that you’re using less energy and doing your tiny bit to cut carbon emissions. But also taking pleasure in the elegance of low power PCs in the same way you’d enjoy avoiding bloatware like Outlook.

Plus, by buying a low energy desktop, you’re sending a message to PC makers: there’s money in flogging green products.

For this list, I’ve focussed solely on which machines use the fewest watts when running at full tilt. I’ve not looked at how toxic they are, how much energy they take to manufacture or favoured one operating systems over another. Windows, OS X and Linux all get a look-in…

Finally, yes, yes, I know the greenest PC is the one you already own, but I’m assuming if you’re reading this you need or want a new one.”

For the list, go to the source, with thanks to smartplanetdotcom, one of my new favorite blogs. I can’t wait ’til they get around to Top 10 eco laptops.

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