November 13, 2008

Dr. Andrew Weil offers a recipe: Good Cheap Food.


Recently, we here at elephant journal interviewed Dr. Weil. While we have yet to post the video, the meeting (at Origins in Denver, Colo) turned me into a convert. Today I found myself checking out the man with the famous beard’s site, and came across this apt recipe for economic tough times:

Dr. Weil: “I’m borrowing the title of one of my favorite cookbooks by Miriam Ungerer:

With the economic downturn many of us are looking for healthy meals that don’t break the bank.  I thought this would be a good place to share thoughts/ideas/tips/recipes.

This is from “Diet for a Small Planet” and is delicious!


Swiss Lentil Soup

1 T. olive oil   2 cups chopped onions  1 cup sliced carrots  1 t. minced garlic…for the rest, click here.


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