November 25, 2008

Greenbuild 2008 Expo is Big. Desmond Tutu. Steve Thomas of Planet Green’s Renovation Nation. Boston.

If the proof is in the attendance, apparently (Re)Building America green is big, even (especially) in an economic downtown.

The U.S. Green Building Council (my employer) has hosted Greenbuild since 2002, when there were about 4,000 attendees. This year, we had more than 28,000. More than 850 companies and organizations exhibited on the HUGE expo floor, showing some of the coolest, latest and greatest in green building technologies and products. We had more than 100 educational sessions, an opening plenary session keynoted by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, our first-ever Green Homebuilder’s Day with Kevin O’Connor from This Old House and tons of excitement. Working a show is a lot different from attending one – I didn’t actually get to see any of the education sessions or plenaries, though I will watch the plenaries online later – but I did get to hang out with Steve Thomas from Planet Green‘s Renovation Nation and help him find cool stuff to film for an upcoming episode. I saw the kids from Greensburg, the show…

For the rest, click here young Skywalker.

Here’s a crap video of Tutu taking the stage:

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