November 11, 2008

In Boulder? Green Home central: Planetary Solutions & Joyful Furniture team up.

FYI, post-yoga the other day I happened by the old paint store that’d been next-door for…ever…and saw two of my fave eco businesses had just moved in:

Joyful Furniture and Planetary Solutions have teamed up to create a one-stop eco-home center at the corner of 21st and Pearl. Joyful’s new showroom is packed with recycled furniture, local artwork, home accessories, and earth-friendly gifts If you have tattered wooden furniture at home, Joy will repair and refinish anything you’d like to revive. If you want non-toxic paint, sustainably made flooring and tile, or natural cleaners, Planetary has you covered. Both businesses are committed to creating healthy homes, reducing waste, and building community through exceptional service.”

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