November 3, 2008

This is big for little elephantjournal.com: my 1st Blog 4 Huffington Post! Please support by Commenting, then Forwarding to friends & asking them to Comment.

Oh. My. God. I just started a little blog on Huffington Post. It’s a big deal for little elephantjournal.com: if I get enough comments and traction they’ll promote it (right now it’s just a little line at the bottom of GREEN). Being granted a column on Huffington Post, as one of the biggest most popular news sites in the whole wide world, is potentially huge for me in my ongoing quest for (solvency and) a talk show. If you’d like to support, please COMMENT and email on (copy and paste) this link


and ask a few elephantish friends to COMMENT. Finally, if you want to read my posts down the line (without getting hassled by yours truly to do so) you can subscribe, which would be a huge help. If I can get popular enough on Huffington Post, I can start using my blog power to write up great natural companies, controversial issues, important non-new agey spiritual teachers…really hopefully shedding light on deserving subjects.

With thanks for helping me get to this point,



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