December 28, 2008

A Heartwarming (eco) Holidays Tale.

In these tough economic times, better to invest in Annie’s than a bank?

An elderly lady made a smart choice: put her life savings (a meager 10,000 dollars) in an empty box of Annie’s Sour Cream and Onion Cheddar Bunny crackers. Too bad she forgot, and returned it to her local Whole Foods for composting (how eco of her!). Strangely, instead of composting the (sort of) empty box, they restocked it—and one Debra Rogoff wound up buying a $2 box of Annie’s and finding $10,000. Instead of celebrating, however, she chose to be a good person—reported the strange occurence to the cops, who talked with the grocery, who remembered a frantic elderly lady who’d come in the other day crying about her lost savings…and lo and behold, a heartwarming, strange modern O’Henry story was born. 

The woman, whose identity was not released, had lost faith in her bank and decided the box would be a safer place for the money. Who can blame her?

With thanks for the tip via Seattle Times.

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