December 4, 2008

Jon Stewart: MSNBC = Fox News. Video.

Update: click image below for recent NY Times article on the two, O’Reilly and Olbermann, and their degenerative, money-hungry audience-baiting work.

I’m a liberal not because I like arguing with the conservatives, but because I hold that what makes America great is not merely our wealth, our size, our military, Hollywood, fast food or even our people. It’s our Founders’ values: equal rights, freedom of speech, freedom (in fact duty) of dissent, separation of Church and State. While we may not fulfill those values in real time, it’s an ideal to work toward, and aspire to.

And so I don’t love watching Keith & friends @ MSNBC. I don’t need to hear my point of view parroted in a knee-jerk, self-righteous manner. The flip side of Fox News ought not to be MSNBC: it ought to be PBS, or some non-partisan entity that through dignity, respect, open mindedness and fair-play shines light on the daily news.

And so, once again, Jon Stewart speaks for many of us when he makes fun of the flip side of the bullshit Fox coin.


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