December 3, 2008

Is having an Organic Bed Mattress important?

What’s wrong with conventional mattresses? I know that fire retardants, used in mattresses, are supposed to be pretty bad for you. Considering we spend say eight hours a day nestled on top of ’em, are organic or naturally-sourced latex mattresses worth the big bucks? If you have allergy issues, probably so. If you have insomnia issues, maybe it’d help some not to be breathing in off-gassing mildly toxic crap. For babies and children (in more sensitive developmental stages), probably so.

I found an interesting, if spendy selection at Colorado Futons, my local mattress purveyor. When I know more, I’ll say more—in the meantime, if anyone out there has experience or knowledge in this matter, please comment.

PS: the benefits don’t stop with you. When you toss your mattress, it’d be nice if you can recycle it or, if it ends up in a landfill, if it’s not full of evil stuff.

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