January 14, 2009

Go Do Be: Meditation & Writing with Susan Piver at Karme Choling in Vermont, a Program Recommendation.

I lived at Karme Choling for four point five years. First year I hated it, ’cause it’s all grass and rolling hills and dirt roads…hard to skateboard, which I was just beginning to pick up in my childhood home of Boulder, Colorado. And I didn’t know anyone, and was stuck most of everyday being the only kid punk out of 100 very serious Buddhist people with whom I shared my new home. 

Karme Choling. 

Second year I loved it, ’cause I knew a ton of people at my school, St. Johnsbury Academy, and had fallen in love with Vermont, it’s land and people both hard and soft and natural and old-fashioned and real (for better and worse). 

Anyways, I miss it. Looking at its web site today, I was thinking about paying a visit. Looking over its upcoming programs, this one caught my eye…and being a writer, I thought I’d write about it, share the existence of Karme Choling for those of you who may not of heard of it—it’s one of the preeminent Buddhist rural Buddhist retreat centers in the US, has dozens if not hundreds of programs each year, and is set in the most lovely country this side of Eden. 

So: do this program with Susan Piver, a best-selling author whom I have the pleasure of knowing a little, and you just might see me there, running about my old campus:

Meditation and Creativity: A Retreat for Writers 

With Susan Piver 

March 20 – 27, 2009

What do writers want more than anything in the world? Time to write. Yet even if such precious time could be found, it’s not always easy to settle into the writing groove. Meditation can help synchronize mind and body in a way that truly supports the creative process. 

In addition to plenty of personal writing time, quiet, and the supportive (but non-intrusive!) presence of other writers, the program will include several hours of meditation practice per day and simple creativity exercises. Although the focus will be on individual work, there will be opportunities for moderated discussion of each other’s writing. 

Open to writers of fiction and non-fiction, published and unpublished. Bring your ideas, works-in-progress, or simply your wish to devote attention to your creativity. 

No meditation experience required, but be prepared for fairly intensive sitting sessions. Instruction will be offered.

This summer, we are offering a Children’s Summer Program to enable parents to attend programs who might not otherwise be able to. Please click on Children’s Summer Program for further information

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