January 22, 2009

Is that a Kata in your Pocket, Mr. President, or are you just Sacred to see me?

Hard to believe it’s true, but word on the Buddhist street is that President Barack Obama (oh it feels good to say that, let’s do it again) yes President Barack Hussein Obama had a ceremonial, sacred white Tibetan Buddhist scarf (“kata” or “khata”) from the Dalai Lama in his back pocket during his swearing in. Below is a new version of an email we’ve been alerted to.

From: victoria macdonald 

Sent: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:26 pm
Subject: Khata in Obama’s Pocket  

As many of you know from watching the Inauguration, Richard had a prime seat and a role as escort for the First Lady.  Richard sent this  email to Lodi yesterday.  
Lodi shared it with the Tibet world via the Voice of America this morning and he said I could share it as well… 
Forwarded Message From: “Richard” 
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 14:40:46 -0800 
To: Lodi  
Subject: The Inauguration 
Dear Lodi: 
I hear that during the ceremony you were on the phone to Kathmandu; presumably to Norbu. You will be delighted to know that I had a Khata at my house that His Holiness had given me.   I offered it to President Obama before the ceremony.  I said that I could get it delivered to him later.  He said, no, that he was going to take it and have it with him; in fact, it was in his pocket when he was sworn-in.  Please let His Holiness know. 
I’ll talk to you soon. 
Best personal regards.

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