February 19, 2009

Compassion has Benefits!

Butterfly in the McRorie Community Garden

(Photo by Mike Levin)

Every day, I read Eknath Easawaran’s “Thought of the Day”. It’s a free email service, even if you’ve bought the book. The book is nice, but getting an email every day to remind you of Eknath’s wisdom is more effective than relying on yourself to pick up the book and read it every day. And, today is my friend Denise Chernoff’s birthday!

Today’s thought has to do with compassion:

We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth.
– George Bernard Shaw

One of the surest proofs of spiritual awareness is that you will have respect and concern for all people, whatever country they come from, whatever the color of their skin, whatever religion they profess.

When you become aware that you are a part of the whole, something amazing happens in your life: you will be able to act spontaneously, almost effortlessly, for the good of all. You won’t have to do research about famine to understand the needs of children in Africa and Asia who are unable to find enough food. You will understand, and you will find it impossible to waste food. Now you know that when a community in South America suffers, the whole suffers. You will find ways and means to help: perhaps change to a vegetarian diet so that the grain that is used to feed animals may be sent to the countries that sorely need it. You will be impelled into action, which is what awareness of unity means.


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